
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Top 10 Things To Know About Me

Go Fourth! With Mrs. Owens is hosting a fun linky party--the top 10 things people should know about you. This goes along with the fun freebie she's got for the beginning of the year. Click on the link and try it out. Since I'm relatively new to the teacher blogging world, this is a great way to meet new people from lots of fun blogs!
Here are the Top 10 things that you should know about me:

10. I became a teacher through an alternative certification program. My degrees are actually in Journalism and English. I didn't decide to go into education until after I'd finished my Master's degree!

9. I read the UK's Daily Mail online every day. I love Kate Middleton, so I'm always "checking up" on her. My husband thinks it's hilarious that I read British tabloid magazines.

8. I grew up in Arkansas, but moved to New Orleans right after I got married. We moved in August 2005...2 1/2 weeks before Hurricane Katrina hit. We relocated back to Arkansas for a year, then returned to NOLA in August 2006. We've been here ever since.

7. I read books like it's going out of style. So if you've got any good suggestions, please send them my way.

6. My paycheck may as well be sent directly to Target. I buy everything there--clothes, shoes, make-up, groceries, household items, etc. I'm a firm believer that if you can't buy it at Target, you don't really need it.

5. In my four years of teaching, I've taught four different grade levels. Here's to hoping I can stay put in 4th grade for awhile!

4. I'd love to write children's books someday! I love writing, and I think teachers make great authors simply because we deal with the reading audience in the classroom each day. We have a pretty good idea as to what appeals to them.

3. I am terrified of snakes. I don't even like to look at them in pictures or in contained spaces (like at the zoo). My heart literally stops beating for about a half a second when I see one.

2. I have seen every episode of Friends at least ten times. I love that show and quote it quite often. I'm also pretty good at working lines into casual conversation at the appropriate time.

1. I love teaching. It combines lots of my favorite things (kids, creativity, school, etc.) into one totally awesome job!

Your turn!


  1. My motto is and always has been, "for everything in life, there is a Friends reference!" I own all 10 seasons and can't even count how many times I've seen each episode! Team Aniston. LOL! Thanks for joining in my linky party!

    Go Fourth! With Mrs. Owens

  2. Great list! Avid reader here too. :-)

  3. I'm so excited to find 4th grade bloggers. It will be fun to see what we're all doing the coming school year...

    A Time to Share & Create

  4. I think I've seen every episode of Friends a hundred times! Never gets old!

    Book suggestions: 1) "The Historian" by Elizabeth Kostova. Very different and kind of creepy too. (2) "Sharp Objects" by Gillian Flynn. Very dark, but I couldn't put it down!

    Rowdy in First Grade

  5. I love your Friends & I always would love to write children's! Hey we are authors :o) I am a new follower thanks to the linky party. Stop by my blog & follow me :o)
    Peace, Mel D
    Oh the Places We’ll Go
